Our Team
BSc. In Marketing and Foreign trade at the University of St. Cyril & Methodius – Skopje; former Country General Manager of Heineken and Coca-Cola HBC business in Macedonia, former President of the management board of fresh & Co. – Coca-Cola Hellenic Serbia, Former member of the Council of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia.Broad professional experience in the corporate sector where he has filed various managerial roles in international markets during his professional career, enhanced through professional engagement in various domestic and international projects in the past decade of existence of Petreski & Partners Ltd

Consultant on strategic marketing activities and brand development, promotion and activities in the field of public relations; more than 10 years of experience in the field of marketing and 7+ years managerial experience in various positions in one of the leading marketing agencies in Macedonia, Idea Plus Communications. At the moment, founder and general manager of the Marketing and Media Solutions Company.
Ivana holds a doctorate in English studies from Paul Paulie University, Montpellier 3 in France. She has 17 years of teaching experience and is actively involved in the formal and informal education of young people and adults. Since 2008 Ivana is a university lecturer, first as a language lecturer in English and French, and then as a lecturer in business and intercultural communication. She is involved in many international projects as a coordinator, trainer and translator, out of which she emphasizes: Global Partners in Education, Global Understanding and Intercultural Communication (East Carolina University, 2009), Transcultural Communication and Translation (University of Maribor, 2014) . Since 2012, she has completed over thirty training sessions for young and experienced professionals in the field of business and intercultural communication, academic and business writing, as well as trainings for TEFL & TOT.

Founder and CEO of Progressiva Public Relations & Media, an independent “boutique” agency for communication. With more than 28 years of professional experience in various business areas, such as journalism, media, public relations and corporate communications, integrated marketing communications and business management at senior management positions. In the past decades, Saso has expanded its formal and informal education and gained valuable expertise and experience in several countries around the world and in several highly positioned companies in their industries in Macedonia, the Balkan region and the United States. He holds a valuable PR and communication experience gained as a spokeswoman for the Government of the Republic of Macedonia in the period 2002-2006. In his non-governmental activities he was Secretary General of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia, as well as co-founder and first president of the Macedonian Institute for Media.
Emilija is a longtime advisor and associate of Petreski and Partners in the field of Corporate PR and Media Relations.Emilija’s career begins in journalism. From 1994 to 2005, she worked as a anchor and editor of the TV News of one of the largest national TV stations, after which she diverts the course of her professional engagement into the fields of building and managing processes related to Public Relations discipline.Since 2005, Emilija has been performing in various managerial positions in the public relations departments in several corporate companies that act in the telecommunications business sector in Macedonia.
Ivona is an associate and advisor to Petreski and Partners from 2014. Her career is a reflection of years of professional experience in the public relations and corporate social responsibility segments. Since 2003, Ivona has been working in several international corporations as a supervisor and manager of the public relations sectors, where she greatly contributes to the design, development and implementation of the highest professional standards and operational principles in all activities related to PR and CSR.