International Organizations Partnerships
Entrepreneurs’ Human Resources and team management – September 15, 2010. A training course focused on providing the trainees with the proper knowledge of the implementing the basic principles of HR policies in their everyday operations. The training course focused on many aspects such as interviewing skills, the skill to recognize potential of candidates.
Finance for Non-finance executives – 05-21 May 2010. The goal of this training course was to introduce the participants to the basic elements of financial reporting, to provide them with the basic understating of the Companies’ Cash Flow, budgeting and planning and execution of financial analysis.
Basic principles of preparation of programs for prevention of corruption and money laundry for service portfolio enterprises – March 1th – April 30th – 2011 The project goal was to provide participants with complete understanding of the basic principles of consolidation; preparation and usage of the legislatively required programs that service portfolio enterprises need to implement and are in favor of the legal policy for prevention of corruption and money laundry in the Republic of Macedonia.
Basic principles of preparation of programs for prevention of corruption and money laundry for service portfolio enterprises – Part 2 – September 5th – 7th November 2011 Due to the great interest in the first phase of this project, by the previous and future participants, the second part of the project would provide participants with further and in-depth explanation and complete understanding of the basic principles of consolidation, preparation and usage of the legislatively programs that service portfolio enterprises need to implement and are in favor of the LEGAL policy for prevention of corruption and money laundry in Republic of Macedonia.
Basic principles of preparation of programs for prevention of corruption and money laundry for service portfolio enterprises outside the capitol – March 1st – April 30th 2012 Due to the great interest and success in the two previous projects held in the capital on the same subject (Basic principles of programs for prevention of corruption and money laundry for service portfolio enterprises and Basic principles of programs for prevention of corruption and money laundry for service portfolio enterprises, Part 2), the goal of this project was to provide participants outside the capital the chance to participate in the project. The training provided the participants with an understanding of the procedure creating principles and legislative requirements that would be, and are, an obligatory principal of operation for service portfolio businesses, such as consultancy, accounting services, insurance brokers and agents, real estate agents etc
Execution of project based consultancy for several domestic SME companies:
Zona Triko Vinica – Textile production company
Kolid Foods DOO – Sales and distribution company
Samanta DOO – Sales and distribution company
Strimon Tiver DOO – Food and beverage distribution company – Health and Nutrition portfolio
Simbio Medik DOO – Distribution company for food and vitamin supplements
Partnering consultancy in the process of “Facilitation of Access to finance” project activities for Macedonian companies.
Design and facilitation – “Train of Trainers” (TOT) of evaluation session related to the operational effects and trainers feedback – “Enhancing human rights in police proceedings”